Large-scale chicken breeding process in chicken cage factory

At present, the chicken cage factory has discovered that the chicken industry has been continuously developing, gradually moving towards intensification and large-scale. So what is the difference between chicken-raising in a modern society and the previous work? What is the chicken-raising process of modern large-scale breeding?


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1. Construct a closed chicken house: When choosing a site, farmers should avoid breeding dense areas, so as to avoid the spread of the surrounding epidemic, and pay attention to choosing areas with better water quality for construction. Farmers should raise according to their own needs. The number of laying and broiler chickens determines the construction of most chicken houses. The editor suggests that each chicken house of farmers should be built with
15,000 to 20,000 laying broilers. The chicken breeding equipment and chickens are all enclosed chicken coops. The cement floor is convenient for disinfection and cleaning. In addition, attention should be paid to the water source and transportation around the chicken house and whether the electricity can meet the requirements.

2. Choose the right chicken farm equipment: the use of large-scale breeding mode to raise layer broilers is inseparable from chicken raising equipment. Nowadays, the continuous development of science and technology has made many types of chicken raising equipment appear, and farmers can understand carefully , And then choose reasonable chicken breeding equipment in your own chicken house to purchase. Generally, the necessary chicken breeding equipment are: egg
broiler cages, feeding equipment, drinking equipment, manure removal equipment, egg picking equipment and fan wet curtains, etc. Chicken farming equipment.

3. Choosing chicks: The quality of the chicks selected by the breeder is related to the future growth and production of the chickens, and the good quality chicks are easier to raise and manage in the future, and vice versa. The occurrence of such and other problems not only consumes the farmers’ time to manage, but also consumes the cost of breeding, so the selection of chicks is also laying the foundation for improving efficiency. a good job of scientific feeding management in poultry farming cage equipment: different growth stages have different feeding points, farmers must carefully study the growth characteristics and feeding points of different chicken groups at different growth stages. The feeding points include: environmental control, feeding work, Feed nutrition, disease prevention and regular disinfection work, etc.

5. Immunization: There are many common diseases in chicken flocks. In order to ensure the growth and production performance of chicken flocks, farmers should carry out reasonable immunization work on chicken flocks according to the epidemic situation of diseases in the region. Immunization is the current prevention of infection. As an effective means of sexual diseases, farmers should learn the methods and procedures of immunization, and then choose a
reasonable and safe vaccine according to the immune disease.