How to adjust humidity about chicken house

Now more and more people are raising chickens. There are also many problems about chicken houses. We should prevent the hazards brought by low temperature, high humidity, high temperature and low humidity. Low temperature and high humidity, damp and cold in the chicken house, chickens are prone to colds and gastrointestinal diseases; High temperature and humidity, chicken coops like steam cages, chicken body heat is not easy to spread, loss of appetite, slow
growth, weakened resistance; High temperature and low humidity, hot and dry chicken house, a large amount of water loss in chickens, susceptible to respiratory diseases.

The humidity control principle is: high before and low after. Generally, the relative humidity should be maintained at 60% ~ 70% in the first 10 days and 50% ~ 60% in the later period. If the early stage is too dry, dehydration will easily occur, feather growth will be poor, feed intake will be affected, and dust will float in the air, which will easily cause respiratory diseases. Therefore, a water basin should be placed at the heat source, wet objects should be hung or water should be sprayed on the wall to increase the humidity. In the later period, due to the growth of the age, the humidity is likely to be too high, so moistureproof should be given priority to. Open doors and windows, air inlet and outlet regularly, and start the fan to discharge moisture. Strict management of water in the house

Temperature is the primary condition for normal growth and development of chickens. It should be carried out gradually and steadily according to the growth of daily age and the temperature situation, and must not fluctuate from high to low for automatic poultry farming