About how to choose chicks

Picking a good chicken is also very important for the later breeding. How to choose the chicken, what kind of chicken can not be selected?

First, thin chicks can not be, such chickens are mostly small, withered, eyes can not open or blink, feathers are unkempt, no luster, such chickens can not.

Second, when buying chicken seedlings, you can touch it by hand. If the touch is soft and weak, the hoarseness or screaming is endless, and the hand is inelastic and weak, then the chicken can not be purchased.

Third, the sluggish chicken seedlings can not be, although some chicken feathers grow better, but it seems that the spirit is weak, shrinking head and brain, do not love activities, feet standing unstable, slow response, afraid of cold, this is also not necessary.

These types of chicks are best to be carefully identified during the purchase, because if you choose, it is very difficult to feed and raise in chicken battery cages . Therefore, in order to avoid the selection of poor quality chicks, we must be careful in the purchase of chickens. So as not to affect the economic benefits in the later period