Prevent the house from getting wet in summer

The temperature in spring and summer is different, and the humidity in the house is very high, which is extremely unfavorable for the growth and production performance of the chickens. The following measures can be taken to prevent the house from being wet:

1. Reasonably choose the site of the chicken house. It is necessary to choose a place where the terrain is high and dry, which is conducive to drainage, flood control, ventilation, and quiet environment, to facilitate the insulation and moisture.

2. Strengthen ventilation and ventilation. The temperature in spring and summer is different. Pay attention to heat preservation. Generally, the temperature of the house should not be lower than 15 °C, and pay attention to prevent thief wind. In addition, under the premise of moderate insulation, ventilation should be strengthened to avoid moisture accumulation in the house.

3. Maintain a proper stocking density, the stocking density is too large, and the crowded chickens are not conducive to moisture prevention. In particular, chickens that are raised on the ground should pay attention to this point.

4. Prevent water leakage from drinking utensils, and find that water leakage from drinking utensils should be sealed or replaced according to specific conditions; timely remove and dry the leaking water on the ground of the chicken house to eliminate the unfavorable factors of water vapor formation.

5. Active prevention and treatment of diseases, active prevention and treatment of diseases that can cause chickens to discharge thin stools and make the ground moist.