Summer measures to prevent high temperatures

1, the summer weather is hot and hot, the impact on the flock is extremely serious. When the house temperature is higher than 27 °C, the following changes often occur in the flock: the body temperature rises, the metabolism is slow, the feed intake decreases, and the drinking water increases. The drinking water of the chickens is increased, the feces are thin, and it is not easy to manage; the secretion of the body is reduced, the egg production of the laying hens is
reduced, or even the production is stopped, and the quality of the eggs is poor, the egg weight is reduced, and the soft shell eggs and broken shell eggs are increased. The shell is thinner and the color is lighter; the flock feels uncomfortable and breathes in the mouth. If the time is long, it can induce respiratory diseases. Especially when the temperature is as high as 37.8 °C, many chickens have a fever and fainting, and in severe cases, they often cause death.



2, improve the environment of the chicken house, chicken farmers should use auxiliary means to control the temperature of the house, to create a suitable living environment for the chickens. Plant trees around the house; install fixed or rotatable sprinklers on the roof, spray water to cool down regularly; open doors and windows to ventilate, and conditionally install ceiling fans or fans in the house; the humidity in the house is too low It is necessary to sprinkle water in time; the density of chickens should not be too large. In short, ensure that the temperature of the house does not exceed 32 °C in the summer, so that the chicken does not breathe in poultry farming equipment in south africa.

3, due to the heat of the day, the feed intake of the flock is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the concentration of the diet, increase the protein and calcium, vitamins and other content in the diet, and reduce the energy content. It is necessary to make a good mix of feed.

4, for fresh drinking water, keep a full supply of fresh and hygienic drinking water throughout the day, the drinking water should be kept cool, the water temperature is 10 ~ 13 ° C is appropriate, the chicken households should also do the daily cleaning of the drinking fountain or sink Disinfect, prevent water from deteriorating.

5, to prevent the occurrence of stress, timely defecation, and pay attention to regular internal and external environmental sanitation disinfection work poultry farm equipment suppliers.