Feeding points for raising chickens in layer chicken cages

The weather will gradually turn cold, and it is a good time for new laying hens to lay eggs for chicken farms in laying hens. Therefore, during this period, users of laying hens should adopt scientific and reasonable methods to make laying hens produce more eggs, increase egg production performance, and improve the economic benefits of farmers. So what is the breeding point for laying hens in layer chicken cages, the author will tell the farmers.

1. Adjust the chickens: After entering the autumn, the farmers should pay attention to adjusting the chickens, and the low-yielding laying hens should be eliminated in a timely manner. Weak chickens, stiff chickens, chickens with severe sputum and diseased chickens with no therapeutic value should be eliminated, which will increase feed utilization and increase the laying rate of laying hens.

2. Increase feed nutrition: After the hot summer, the chickens will be fatigued when they enter the season, so during this period, farmers should pay attention to timely adjustment of feed nutrition. More animal protein feed should be fed to ensure that the chickens that have not been moulted continue to moult and lay eggs, and the chickens that have been moulted can be quickly grown into feathers to restore egg production as soon as possible.

3. Use of additives: During the process of feeding the laying hens, the farmers can add some additives to improve the laying rate of the laying hens. Enhance the body’s ability to resist stress and disease, and save feed.

4. Increase the illumination time: For users who use the open chicken house to raise the laying hens, it should be noted that the natural light time will gradually decrease after the autumn, so the farmers should pay attention to moderately supplementing the light. When supplementing the light, the ground light intensity is preferably 3 lux. Turn on the lights twice a day, turn on the lights until dawn at 4 to 5 in the first morning, and turn on the lights until 20 to 21 in the second dark. Turn on the lights during the cloudy days.

5. Forced moulting: When changing seasons, it is the period of laying hens. In order not to affect the economic benefits of farmers, most farmers will choose to force moulting for laying hens. Forced moulting can promote the simultaneous moulting of laying hens. Production, but pay attention to scientific and effective methods is to ensure the success of laying hens and ensure the performance of egg production.

6. Timely deworming: Farmers should pay attention to the work of deworming. When the season turns cold, it is the best time for laying hens. Choose some effective drugs, follow the correct method to deworm, and give the flock a safe production environment.

The above six points are the authors telling the farmers, in the process of raising chickens using poultry farming equipment, some feeding points of raising chickens, I hope the above description can bring some help to the farmers.