How to build a good chicken cage

Many farmers build a chicken house to raise chickens when raising chickens, especially when using battery cage for chickens to raise chickens. When building chicken houses, we know how to choose a chicken house, how to build it, how to build it. How much investment you need to consider, how to create a good, comfortable chicken house suitable for chickens?

The first is the location of the chicken house. It is also very important to locate a good house. First of all, because of the area of ​​the house, it is important to find a suitable place to build the house. Sometimes, the chicken manure in the house. Too much will affect the lives of the surrounding residents, so we have to stay away from the residence. The place is empty and is the most suitable place for raising chickens. Also, farmers should understand their own chicken breeds and how to raise chickens. The number of chickens raised, whether raising chickens in chicken cages or free-range is a problem. These are issues that need to be considered, as well as the design, materials, etc. of the house, whether there will be noise and other influences. So when we want to build a chicken house, these need to be carefully considered. Only by building a good chicken house can we better raise chickens.


Personal conditions are good or bad, which directly affects the choice of materials, purchases and capital budgets. Some people in the same chicken house structure can spend a penny, but some people do spend tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. It depends on whether the resources of the individual or the locality are rich. Whether the people who build the chicken house have a sense of innovation and do it themselves, not everything must be bought, and
those who buy anything may not be able to raise the chicken. Local climatic conditions, which directly affect the structure and cost of the house, the insulation and ventilation requirements of the house in wet and cold places are relatively high.

When building a chicken house, make sure that the space is large enough, because the density of the chickens entering the house is very large, Clean the house and clean it regularly. The most important thing is to ensure that the house and Poultry Rearing Equipment is dry and the wet conditions can easily lead to disease conditions in the flock. During the breeding process, the ventilation conditions of the house are also very important. The doors and windows of the house must be large, which can bring enough ventilation. Or some ventilation and exhaust equipment can be installed as appropriate. This can effectively reduce the proliferation of bacteria.