How is the layer raising equipment cleaned?

How to clean the layer cage equipment, the breeding industry is now more and more common, and we are demanding more and more demand for laying hens. Now that the use of layer raising equipment is becoming more and more common in the breeding process, let us look at how the laying equipment is cleaned.

Cleaning and disinfection of laying hens and cages

The most important job of caged laying hens before the start is the cleaning and disinfection of chicken houses and layer cages. This is a troublesome and complicated work. Be careful. Please take a closer look below!

1. Wash the chicken house and cages, wash the chicken houses and cages with tap water, and do not leave dead ends when cleaning. The trough and water line should also be thoroughly cleaned to avoid residual feed, dirt and feces.

2. Disinfection of chicken houses and cages, caged laying hens are more densely stocked, and disinfection is carried out by spraying or fumigation. If the disinfection is not complete, it is easy to leave bacteria and viruses, which is not conducive to future feeding and disease prevention. Disinfectants should be used interchangeably during disinfection, and the dosage should be well controlled. Close the door and window of the chicken house before fumigation and disinfection, block all gaps, and calculate the dosage according to the volume of the house. (The amount of potassium permanganate and formalin used in fumigation of chicken house is 10-15 g potassium permanganate. Formalin 20-30 ml), after the disinfection is completed, open the doors and windows and ventilate for 1-2 days to prepare for the chicks.

Through the above explanations, everyone has already understood how the laying equipment is cleaned. If you have any questions, you can consult the poultry equipment suppliers, and a professional will give you a timely reply.